Clean your waste and lose some weight


The lymphatic system is one of the most vital systems in the body. It is one of two major circulatory systems (the other being cardiovascular), and a congested lymphatic system is one of the major causes of illness in the modern world. If your waste backs up, then your body will create new fat storage cells! Yes, your unprocessed waste can cause weight gain!

The lymphatic system runs throughout the entire body, its job includes removing harmful metabolic waste products, toxins, pathogens, noxious material and cell debris from the body. It serves as the house of the immune system. It creates white blood cells and antibodies, and is truly the battlefield of ‘the good vs the bad”, where immune cells battle bacteria, yeasts, viruses and other unwanted intruders. This is why cancer cells are found in lymph nodes. Lymph vessels carry this potentially harmful material into the lymph nodes for filtration and detoxification. The lymphatic system is also the transportation system for your fat soluble vitamins.

The degree of nourishment, health and efficiency of the cells depends on how swiftly and completely waste material is removed from the lymph. A congested lymphatic system can lead to serious illnesses and chronic disease. If we don’t take the necessary steps to ensure that the lymphatic system is running well, our immune system will remain impaired and naturally, we can get sick.


How to best support your Lymphatic system

  1. Move your body – exercise

    Unlike the heart, which has its own built-in pump, the lymphatic system relies on the contraction and relaxation of the muscles and joints to move lymph fluid. Exercising increases oxygen supply to tissues and cells, and helps circulate toxins so they end up where they need to be – the kidneys for proper excretion.
    Walk daily for 30-60 minutes.

  2. Your diet really matters

    Focus on a plant-based diet. 80% of the lymphatic system is located at, and associated with, the intestinal tract, therefore, making this part of the body the largest area of immune activity. Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants and healthy fats will ensure you keep your immune system strong. A sluggish digestive tract = a congested lymphatic system. Remove the processed junk foods (food-like products), soft drinks, food colourings, pesticides and minimise alcohol and animal products. Try to consume a wide array of leafy green vegetables and herbs, fresh ripe fruit, seeds, and red foods like berries, pomegranate, cherries, cranberries and beets. Citrus fruits are good at removing congested lymph fluid.

  3. Vibration training, rebounding, yoga and laughing

    Some of the best forms of exercise for the lymphatic system are vibration therapy, rebounding (bouncing on a mini trampoline), dancing, yoga, swimming and believe it or not, laughing! Laughter helps move the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, which helps push lymph through the vessels.

  4. Breathe deeply

    Breathing deeply is another great form of exercise for the lymphatic system, as well as your lungs. Proper movement of air through the lungs helps move and pump fluid through the lymphatic system while providing it with fresh oxygen. Becoming conscious of your breathing throughout the day and getting out of the habit of shallow breathing is a great way to start.

  5. Get a lymphatic massage

    Massaging is a great way to encourage natural drainage of the lymph from the tissue spaces in your body. Studies have shown that lymphatic massage can increase the volume of lymph flow by as much as 20 times, vastly increasing the system’s ability to remove toxins and infectious materials as well.

  6. Support your kidneys

    Your kidneys are responsible for removing your metabolic waste products. If your kidney filtration is compromised, then the waste in your body will back up. This back-up waste = lymphatic congestion. Nature will support the breakdown of this waste by sending bacteria, fungus and parasites to help break down or ferment the waste products. Too many of the bad bugs can cause health issues. Drink lots of good quality water and spend some time detoxifying your body. Specific kidney herbs are recommended.

If you would like some additional support and guidance when cleaning your lymphatic system, please book a consultation online, or connect with a natural healthcare practitioner who can support your needs.

Tracey Mortensen