FitGenes Personalised Genetic Health and Wellness Profiling

The future of personalised health and wellbeing is here!

The way we look after our bodies is becoming increasingly individualised in our mission for optimal personal health. So much so, that now a genetic specialist can zoom-in on your DNA and report on how best to eat, exercise and act.

If you, like me, are interested in learning how to eat well, exercise right, and age well, then let me introduce you to the exciting world of genetic profiling and Nutrigenomics….

What is Genetic Profiling?

Genetic profiling is the analysis of an individual’s genes (inherited from your mum and dad). Genes are small sections of DNA within the genome that provide instructions for making proteins, the building blocks of your body.

These genes are what determines your unique characteristics, such as eye colour and height. By studying your genome, we are also able to predict your susceptibility to certain traits and potential ill health.

What is Nutrigenomics?

“Now this when things start getting interesting”.

Quite simply Nutrigenomics explains how nutrients (or foods) interact with your genes. Whilst good food and lifestyle choices send ‘healthy’ messages to your genes, poor choices can damage the DNA in your genes. So, when we come to the dinner table, you not only bring your appetite, you also bring your genes. Once we understand your genetic profile, you can make food and lifestyle choices that can change your risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers and much, much more. How empowering is that?!

Through genetic profiling I can get you the answers to many questions, such as:

  • Do I have genes that predispose me to weight gain?

  • Is caffeine good for me?

  • Will fasting work for me?

  • Should I be doing low intensity or high intensity workouts?

  • Do I have the genes that make me prone to inflammation?

  • Are my genes playing a part in my mental wellbeing?

  • Why can’t I lose weight on a low fat or low carb diet?

  • What is my genetic detoxification capacity?

  • What is my stress tolerance levels?

  • Do I have an increased risk of having lower HDL and higher LDL?

By understanding your unique nutrigenomic profile, you are empowered to choose behaviours that positively impact your health, wellbeing and control your risk of disease. Nutrigenomics gives you the power to compensate for your genetic variations.

Genetics is the “what”, Nutrigenomics is the “how”. It provides you with evidence-based dietary, lifestyle or exercise interventions to help change the expression of your genes.

“Your genes are not your destiny.”

You may have the same set of genes for your entire lifetime, but you do have the potential to speed up, or slow down the enzymes they code for, or compensate for their effects, simply by making the right dietary and lifestyle choices. You have control.

There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ genes, and we all have inherent genetic strengths and weaknesses. How they manifest is up to how we live our lives.

How is genetic testing done?

A simple swab taken from the inside of the cheek is all I need. It’s a very simple procedure. Once your sample has been tested, I generate a report, and deliver a comprehensive wellbeing plan tailored for you and as individual as your DNA.

Why FitGenes?

With increased popularity in nutrigenomics and genetic profiling there are several companies offering this service. The reason I chose; Australian based, ‘FitGenes’ was for several reasons.

  • Firstly, FitGenes only tests genes that have a large amount of research to support their suggested interventions.

  • Secondly, FitGenes is not affiliated with any supplements so their interventions are not biased in any way.

  • Lastly, FitGenes provides a comprehensive and user-friendly report that explains 62 different genes and their importance for our health.

It is because of these reasons I believe FitGenes is one of the leading companies testing DNA for health and wellbeing that is available.

What the FitGenes report covers:

Genes analysed include those that affect: cell defence, inflammation, vitamin D receptors, methylation and homocysteine production (which are involved in mental wellbeing and energy production including both common variants of the MTHFR genetic mutation), cardiovascular health, and fat and cholesterol metabolism.

A 1-hour consultation is included with this product, to discuss and translate the results of this test and how it applies to your overall general health and wellbeing needs. This can be completed in person or via Skype.