Why Functional Medicine?

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world”
– John Muir.

Functional Medicine seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease, and views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties. It treats the whole body, not just the symptoms.


The Functional Medicine model is an individualised, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and uses that information to create personalised treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.


By addressing the root cause(s), rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.


Five key points about Functional Medicine


#1 We are all different

Functional Medicine views us all as being different; genetically and biochemically unique. This personalised health care treats the individual, not the disease. It supports the normal healing mechanisms of the body, naturally, rather than attacking disease directly.


#2 Healing

Your body has an immense ability to heal and reverse many of the chronic illnesses that people are experiencing today. By giving the body optimum inputs and eliminating man-made synthetics and chemicals we can reduce the toxic load on the body.


#3 self-regulation

Your body is intelligent and has the capacity for self-regulation, which expresses itself through a dynamic balance of all your body systems. Homeostasis is the process that maintains a stable environment in the body.


#4 Science

The latest research shows us that what happens within us is connected in a complicated network or web of relationships. Understanding those relationships allows us to see deep into the functioning of the body.


#5 Quality of Life

The functional medicine model of care may have the ability to improve your health-related quality of life, including physical function and well-being.